Results of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Survey!
The many responses we received have been analysed. A lot of detailed information came from the survey. The information presented here is just a ‘snapshot’ of the findings.
During the consultation period 637 people [28% of the Parish community] visited the online site and found out more about the Plan. 107 people [5%] then contributed to the survey either via the online site or by paper forms. Of these 78 people made additional comments.
- The countryside and landscape
- The peace and tranquility
- Local Wildlife and Biodiversity
What type of homes are needed?
- Family Homes
- Affordable social rented or owner-occupied homes to meet local needs.
- Homes adaptable for the elderly or people with accessibility needs (eg bungalows, flats or ‘lifetime homes’.
In what ways should the necessary new homes should be delivered? - Development on brownfield sites (previously developed land)
- Infill (1 or 2 homes between existing dwellings) within existing settlement boundaries
- Small scale rounding-off on the edge of our existing settlements.
Looking forward how many members of respondent’s households, including previous members, would like to live independently in the Parish NOW if suitable accommodation was available locally?
1 person – 12
2 persons – 26
3 or more persons – 7
In total 45 persons
In what ways should the necessary new homes should be delivered?
- Development on brownfield sites (previously developed land)
- Infill (1 or 2 homes between existing dwellings) within existing settlement boundaries
- Small scale rounding-off on the edge of our existing settlements.
If you looking to move in the next few years, is it likely to be a move within the Parish?
38% [41 respondents] said yes.
Should more businesses be encouraged to set up in the Parish?
66% said YES
Which are the top 3 business sectors that should be encouraged to develop in the Parish?
- Small scale industry, workshops, and crafts
- Agricultural/ Farming/ Horticulture/ Forestry
- Retail
Do businesses in St Ive and Pensilva Parish needing additional space or accommodation in the future, and in what form?
83% said YES
Workshop space – storage (open or in a warehouse) Office space and extension to homes to accommodate home working needs
The top 3 future additional leisure facilities that should be provided?
- Allotments
- Multi Use Games Area
- Outdoor Gym
Which public amenities and facilities should be protected?
GP Surgery 97%
Pensilva village shop 89%
Post Office Facility 80%
Millennium House 77%
Playing fields and sports facilities 76%
School 76%
Village pubs 61%
St John’s Church 46%
The Growing Project Garden 46%
Pensilva Community Hall 43%
St Ive Village Hall 41%
St Ive Church 40%
Other suggestions:
Pentiddy Community Woodland
Sunflower Park children’s play area.
Tregovenek Gorfenna
Local Cafés
The most inadequate forms of infrastructure?
- Roads
- Pavements
- Broadband/Mobile Phone
The 3 most important local style and character features the Plan should guide designers to take account of in new development?
- The field pattern of Cornish hedges and hedgerows.
- The undulating character of the rural landscape.
- The small scale and intimacy of the wooded valley landscape.
The 3 most important things that the Neighbourhood Plan could do to protect the built environment?
- Ensure development is in harmony with the rural character of the neighbourhood and sits well in the landscape.
- Require new buildings to reflect local Cornish building traditions in design, appearance and layout.
- Require building design to be in keeping with the scale, height, location, density and appearance of existing adjoining buildings.
The 3 most important things that the Neighbourhood Plan could do to protect the natural environment?
- Promote the protection of existing mature or important trees and hedgerows, groups of trees or woodland.
- Promote the preservation and restoration of k:ey local habitats and wildlife biodiversity.
- Minimise the level of noise and other forms of pollution caused by development.
Support for a community energy project in the Parish, and in what form?
88% said YES
- Tree planting/ reforestation & rewilding projects
- Installing rooftop solar energy
- Retro-fitting energy efficiency and insulation in existing homes
The top 3 general concerns about parking.
- Availability of parking
- Visitors blocking the road
- Damage from passing vehicles
Top 3 things that would encourage people to use local bus services more often?
- Bus service to Derriford hospital
- Bus service to Liskeard train station
- Better connections between bus services
The top 3 road safety improvements needed?
- Improved public footpath maintenance
- Low speed limits (i.e., 20 MPH areas)
- Extend speed limit areas
The top 3 community safety concerns?
- Dog fouling
- Littering
- Fly tipping
What happens next?
We will use the information gathered, along with other information on the character, heritage, natural environment and on climate change impacts to prepare a first full draft of the Neighbourhood Plan.
That then gets sent to Cornwall Council for it to advise us whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment [SEA] of the Plan is required.
The draft Plan, along with the SEA if its required, will then be published for at least 6 weeks of formal consultations with the community of St Ive and Pensilva Parish, and with various statutory bodies.
After that the Plan will be revised to take into account and comments made in that consultation, and submitted to Cornwall Council. It will then go through an Independent Examination, before being put to a Local Referendum.
Why a Local Referendum?
The Local Referendum of all those registered to vote in the Parish will say whether the Plan be adopted and used to decide on future planning application decisions in our Parish. If the vote is ‘yes’ then we will have a local Plan for the Parish, drawn up by the community of the Parish, and approved by the community of the Parish. That means we should see more planning decisions that reflect what the local community actually wants to see in the future.
About this website
The St Ive and Pensilva Neighbourhood Plan is driven by a Steering Group comprising local volunteers from across the Parish including parish councillors and local residents. The Plan will help to shape how the Parish changes up to 2030 and will be taken into account when planning applications are decided by Cornwall Council.
This website is intended to:
- keep you informed of progress,
- help you understand what the Neighbourhood Plan will mean for our community,
- act as a means of commenting on the Plan’s content,
- be a library of Plan documents,
- explain how you can get involved.