Have your say on the future of St Ive and Pensilva Parish

Results of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Survey

You can find the results of the 2024 community survey via the links alongside.

What Happens Next

Writing the Plan

We will use the information gathered, along with other information on the character, heritage, natural environment and on climate change impacts to prepare a first full draft of the Neighbourhood Plan. Alongside this we are preparing a draft Development Boundary to help make planning decisions.

The draft Plan then gets sent to Cornwall Council for it to advise us whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment [SEA] of the Plan is required.

The draft Plan, along with the SEA if its required, will then be published for at least 6 weeks of formal consultations with the community of St Ive and Pensilva Parish, and with various statutory bodies.

After that the Plan will be revised to take into account and comments made in that consultation, and submitted to Cornwall Council. It will then go through an Independent Examination, before being put to a Local Referendum.

Why a Local Referendum?

The Local Referendum of all those registered to vote in the Parish will say whether the Plan be adopted and used to decide on future planning application decisions in our Parish. If the vote is ‘yes’ then we will have a local Plan for the Parish, drawn up by the community of the Parish, and approved by the community of the Parish. That means we should see more planning decisions that reflect what the local community actually wants to see in the future.

About this website

This website is intended to:

  • keep you informed of progress,
  • help you understand what the Neighbourhood Plan will mean for our community,
  • act as a means of commenting on the Plan’s content,
  • be a library of Plan documents,
  • explain how you can get involved.